Main Article Content
The aim of this article is to review applications of modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) in poultry meat. As well as, its effects on the qualitative characteristics and shelf-life stability. Packaging is a harmonized rule of preparing the product for transportation, dissemination, retail, and end-use to ensure safe delivery. MAP is modern packaging that includes air removal (78% N2, 21% O2, and 3% CO2 gas) from inside the casings and replacing them with a single gas or a mixture of gases. The atmosphere with a high concentration of O2 by 80 % leads to off-oxygenating the dye and keeps it from deteriorating on the surface of the meat. O2 causes oxidation of fat and protein, and decreases the quality of meat. The CO2 gas concentration and the casings composition significantly affect the change in the meat pH value. The decrease in oxygen in the packaging alters the meat colour from red to purple to convert the Oxymyoglobin to Deoxymyoglobin. Moreover, the consumer rejects this type of meat with a myoglobin tint. The colour stability using MAP has improved, and the Metmyoglobin configuration rate has decreased. MAP gave less moisture loss. The total and psychrophile bacterial populations in the poultry meat treated with MAP decreased and increased with the progress of storage periods. The TBA value, the peroxide value, and the fatty acid percentage decreased by using the MAP. MAP can be a part of Hurdle's technique to prolong the chicken meat shelf life.
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