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This study was carried out to investigate the effect of modified atmosphere packaging and frozen storage period in the colour characteristics of chick thigh meat. The treatments were 70%CO2+15%N2+15%O2, 70%CO2 +30%N2, 70%CO2+ 30% O2 ,50%N2+50%O2, vacuumand clove oil at different frozen storage periods (1, 30, 60,and 90 days at -18 C). An 84 chick thigh meat pieces were utilized in this study. Polyethylene bags were used in packaging meat under vacuum, then filled with different gases. Colour parameters such as lightness (L*), redness/greenness (a*), yellowness/blueness (b*), Chroma (?C), the total colour difference (?E), and hue angle (h) were studied. The results demonstration that the modified atmosphere packaging treatments have a significant (P<0.05) effect on L*, a*, h values, but b*, ?C, and ?E parameter were not significantly affected by the treatments. Furthermore, the frozen storage periods have a significant (P<0.05) effect on L*, a*, b*, h, ?C, and ?E values. The result clarified that the effect of the interference between the modified atmosphere packaging treatments and frozen storage periods on a*, ?E, ?C, and h values was not significant, but its effect on L* and b* was significant (P<0.05). The results also showed that the highest L* value was 54.12 by using vacuumed packaging treatment on 30 days of frozen storage period. a* value was increased by using modified atmosphere packaging treatments but decreased with the increase of frozen storage period. b* value was ranged between 0.70 by control to 16.65 by using 70%CO2+15%N2+15%O2. The lowest ?E, ?C, and h values were 4.96, 2.70 and 0.53 by using70%CO2+30%N2, 70%CO2+30%N2 and clove oil on 30, 1 and 1 days of frozen storage period respectively.
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- Lopack, J.; Poltorak, A. & Wierzbicka, A. (2016). Effect of MAP, vacuum skin-pack and combined packaging methods on physicochemical properties of beef steaks stored up to 12 days. Meat Sci., 119: 147-153. doi:10.1016/j.meatsci.2016 .04.034.
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- Martucci, J.F.; Gende, L.B.; Neira, L.M. & Ruseckaite, R.A. (2015). Oregano anlavender essential oils as antioxidant and antimicrobial additives of biogenic gelatin films. Ind. Crops Prod., 71: 205-213. doi:10.1016/j.indcrop.2015.03.079.
- Murphy, K.M.; O'Grady, M.N. & Kerry, J.P. (2013). Effect of varying the gas headspace to meat ratio on the quality and shelf-life of beef steaks packaged in high oxygen modified atmosphere packs. Meat Sci., 94(4): 447-454.
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- Yancey, E.J.; Hunt, M.C.; Dikeman, M.E.; Addis, P.B. & Katsanidis, E. (2001). Effects of post exsanguination vascular infusion of cattle with a solution of saccharides, sodium chloride, phosphates, and vitamins C, E, or C+E on meat display-color stability. J. Anim. Sci., 79: 2619-2626.
- Zakrys, P.I.; Hogan, S.A.; Sullivan, M.G.O.; Allan, P. & Kerry, J.P. (2008). Effects of oxygen concentration on the sensory evaluation and quality indicators of beef muscle packed under modified atmosphere. Meat Sci.,79: 648-655.
Adilah, Z.M. & Hanani, Z.N. (2016). Active packaging of fish gelatin films with Morindacitrifolia oil. Food Bioscience, 16: 66-71.
AMSA (2012). Meat color measurement guidelines. IL, USA: American meat Science Association, Champaign, pp.3-10.
Brodowska, M.; Guzek, D.; Jó?wik, A.; G??bska, D.; Godziszewska, J.; Wojtasik-Kalinowska, I.& Wierzbicka, A. (2019). The effect of high-CO2 atmosphere in the packaging of pork from pigs supplemented with rapeseed oil and antioxidants on oxidation processes. LWT, 99: 576-582.
Cachaldora, A.; García, G.; Lorenzo, J.M. & García-Fontán, M.C. (2013). Effect of modified atmosphere and vacuum packaging on some quality characteristics and the shelf-life of “morcilla”, a typically cooked blood sausage. Meat Sci., 93(2): 220-225.
Esmer, O.K.; Irkin, R.; Degirmencioglu, N. & Degirmencioglu, A. (2011). The effects of modified atmosphere gas composition on microbiological criteria, color, and oxidation values of minced beef meat. Meat Sci., 88: 221-226.
Gazalli, H.; Malik, A.H.; Jalal, H.; Afshan, S.; Mir, A. & Ashraf, H. (2013). Packaging of meat. Int. J. Food Nutr. Safety, 4: 70 -80.
Ghris, S. (2007). Effect of the co2 grinding on modified atmosphere and color shelf life of ground beef. M. Sc. Thesis. Graduate School of Clemson Univ.:73pp.
Gill, A.O. & Gill, C.O. (2005). Preservative Packaging for Fresh Meats, Poultry, and Finfish. 204-226. In Han, J.H. (Ed.). Innovations in Food Packaging Academic Press. 517pp.
Gulrajani, M.L. (2010). Colour Measurement Principles advances and industrial applications. Woodhead Publishing Limited. 402pp.
Han, J.H. (2005). New Technologies in Food Packaging, Overview. 3-11 ln: Han, J.H. (Ed.). lnnovations in Food Packaging. Elsevier Academic Press, Amsterdam: 517pp.
Jakobsen, M. &. Bertelsen, G. (2002). The use of CO2 in packaging of fresh red meats and its effect on chemical quality changes in the meat: A review. J. Muscle Foods, 13: 143-168.
Kader, A.A.; Zagory, D. & Kerbel, E.L. (1989). Modified atmosphere packaging of fruits and vegetables. Crit. Rev. Food Sci. Nutr., 28(1): 1-30.
Kerry, J.P.; M.’Grady, N.O. & Hogan, S.A. (2006). Past, current and potential utilization of active and intelligent packaging systems for meat and muscle-based products: A review. Meat Sci., 74: 113-130.
Leon, K.; Mery, D.; Pedreschi, F. & Leon, J. (2006). Color measurement in L * a* b* units from RGB digitalimages. Food Research International, 39(10): 1091-1084.
Lopack, J.; Poltorak, A. & Wierzbicka, A. (2016). Effect of MAP, vacuum skin-pack and combined packaging methods on physicochemical properties of beef steaks stored up to 12 days. Meat Sci., 119: 147-153. doi:10.1016/j.meatsci.2016 .04.034.
Lynch, N.M.; Kastner, C.L. & Kropf, D.H. (1986). Consumer acceptance of vacuum packaged ground beef as influenced by product color and educational materials. J. Food Sci., 51: 253-255.
MacDougall, D.B. (1982). Changes in the color and opacity of meat. Food Chem., 9(1-2): 75-88.
Maheswarappa, N.B.; Mohan, K. & Jagadeesh, D.S. (2016). Meat products packaging. Reference Module in Food Sci., 11 pp.
Mancini, R.A. &. Hunt M.C. (2005) . Current research in meat colour. Meat Sci., 71: 100- 121.
Martucci, J.F.; Gende, L.B.; Neira, L.M. & Ruseckaite, R.A. (2015). Oregano anlavender essential oils as antioxidant and antimicrobial additives of biogenic gelatin films. Ind. Crops Prod., 71: 205-213. doi:10.1016/j.indcrop.2015.03.079.
Murphy, K.M.; O'Grady, M.N. & Kerry, J.P. (2013). Effect of varying the gas headspace to meat ratio on the quality and shelf-life of beef steaks packaged in high oxygen modified atmosphere packs. Meat Sci., 94(4): 447-454.
Parry, R.T. (1993). Principles and Applications of Modified Atmosphere Packaging of Food. New York: Blackie Academic and Professional: 316pp.
Pathare, P.B.; Opara, U.L. & Al-Said, F.A. (2012). Color measurement and analysis in fresh and processed foods: A review. Food Bioprocess Tech., 6(1): 36-60.
Petracci, M.; Betti, M.; Bianchi, M.; Cavani, C. (2009). Color variation and characterization of broiler breast meat during processing in Italy. Poul. Sci., 83: 2086-2092.
Robertson, A.R. (1977). The CIE 1976 color difference-formulae. Color Res. Appl., 2(1): 7-11.
Rubio, B.; Martínez, B.; García-Cachán, M.D.; Rovira, J. & Jaime, I. (2008). Effect of the packaging method and the storage time on lipidoxidation and color stability on dry fermented sausage salchichón manufactured with raw material with a high level of mono and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Meat Sci., 80: 1182-1187.
Sørheim, O.; Nissen, H & Nesbakken, T. (1999). The storage life of beef and pork packaged in an atmosphere with low carbon monoxide and highcarbondioxide. Meat Sci., 52: 157- 164.
Soldatou, N.; Nerantzaki, A.; Kontominas, M. G. & Savvaidis, I.N. (2009). Physicochemical and microbiological changes of “Souvlaki”-A Greek delicacy lamb meatproduct: Evaluation of shelf-life using microbial, color andlipid oxidation parameters. Food Chem., 113: 36-42.
Wrolstad, R.E. & Smith, D.E. (2017). Color analysis. 545-555. In Nielsen, S.S. (Ed.). Food Analysis. 5th ed. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International: 649pp.
Yam, K.L. & Papadakis, S. (2004). A simple digital imaging method for measuring and analyzing color of food surfaces. J. Food Eng., 61: 137-142.
Yancey, E.J.; Hunt, M.C.; Dikeman, M.E.; Addis, P.B. & Katsanidis, E. (2001). Effects of post exsanguination vascular infusion of cattle with a solution of saccharides, sodium chloride, phosphates, and vitamins C, E, or C+E on meat display-color stability. J. Anim. Sci., 79: 2619-2626.
Zakrys, P.I.; Hogan, S.A.; Sullivan, M.G.O.; Allan, P. & Kerry, J.P. (2008). Effects of oxygen concentration on the sensory evaluation and quality indicators of beef muscle packed under modified atmosphere. Meat Sci.,79: 648-655.